Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Catch Up Post (not to be confused with Ketchup Post, in honor of Tomato Awareness)

You can tell by the title of this post that being out of routine with a 2 & 3 year old for over two weeks has left me delirious.
Today I'm playing catch-up, 14+ days away from home (and the blog) & I'm a wee bit behind (ahem, if wee means lots and lots) with everything but I'm happy to be home!
So as I fold laundry, catch up on my DVR'd shows, decorate for Christmas and lightly consider all the deep cleaning to be done I am going to bring you up to date with Playgroup haps.

Next week is our "First Wednesday of the Month" playdate at Kangazoom in Smyrna (really just minutes away). We're meeting from 4-6pm. Bring socks & sign in under our Playgroup List at the desk to receive your discounted admittance - which is ZERO dollars, thanks to Tawn!! Kangazoom has a special area for the minis so don't worry about your little ones being bounced on by the big kids. Tawn is hosting so look forward to some of her delicious dishes. Please RSVP on the evite.

Also, our Toy Drive is in full effect. We are donating gently used toys (all ages and stages) to our local Women & Children's shelter by mid-month. Stefanie Ballard and I both have collection boxes on our front porch. You have two weeks to donate & it's a perfect time to go through your kiddies' toy collections before acquiring more over the holidays. 

I'm looking for more "Meet Your Neighbor" bios so please email me if interested. I'd love to highlight a new family each week! <--- see how excited I am by that prospect? I exclaimed it, even. 
I am off to defrost on a floor vent. 

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